La reunión Internacional sobre Problemas de Astrometría y Mecánica Celeste se llevó a cabo durante los días 7 y 8 de noviembre de 1960, como homenaje del Observatorio Astronómico de Universidad Nacional de La Plata al Sesquicentenario de la Revolución de Mayo.

- Scott, F. P. (U.S. Naval Observatory)
- Report of the meeting at Rio Gallegos on Southern Reference Star Program
- Present and future programs in meridian astronomy
- Clemence, G. M. (U.S. Naval Observatory)
- Determination of the equinox and equator
- Vasilevskis, S. (Lick Observatory, University of California)
- Use of photography in meridian astronomy
- Stoy, R.H. (Cape Royal Observatory)
- The determination of azimuth in the southern hemisphere
- Jeffers, Hamilton M. (Lick Observatory, University of California)
- The Lick Observatory and double stars
- Zverev, M.S. (Pulkovo Observatory)
- A photographic vertical circle (P.V.C.)
- Nemiro, A.A. and Zverev, M.S. (Pulkovo Observatory)
- The observational program of the USSR astrometricexpedition to the southern hemisphere
- Schilt, J. (Rutherfurd Observatory)
- The alternative density model of the galactic system
- Brouwer, D. (Yale University Observatory)
- The use of canonical variables in Celestial Mechanics
- Slaucitajs, S.J. (La Plata Observatory)
- Cesco, R.P. (La Plata Observatory)
- Some theorems and results in the three-body problem